Tuesday, November 3, 2009

They're Not Even Bothering To Pretend Anymore

Doug at Balloon Juice on John Solomon's tenture at the Moonie Times:
“When we were demoing this, we were running Newt Gingrich as a personality,” explained Solomon. “Everything Newt Gingrich did on the social media space–on Facebook, on Twitter–was aggregating through the technology. We were sitting there–[seasoned Times reporter] Ralph Hallow was sitting alongside of me–and all of a sudden this little Twitter burst comes up from Newt, saying Sotomayor was racist. We jumped on it, we put that out there. That created, as you remember, days and days of a firestorm about whether her personal views about race and gender were biasing her views from the bench.”
Just to be clear: when Solomon was at the AP and Washington Post, he was widely accused of writing ideologically-motivated pieces of dubious authenticity. The Post and AP defended him to the hilt. Now he’s openly bragging about doing exactly what his critics accused him of.

Anyway, all of this proves that the media has a strong liberal bias.

Like I said, they're not even pretending anymore that the name of the game isn't "Who among the new players in the Drudge-tastic blogosphere and the neo-Clintonian press corps will make their bones for the next fifteen years off of betting full out on Obama Derangement Syndrome?" or anything like that.

Creating "days and days of a firestorm" attacking everything Obama does is simply the goal of the Village media.

1 comment:

  1. well let's not pretend about this >

    john solomon is a pbysically repulsive ugly person with an ENORMOUS Head that makes one recoil in utter shock and fear.

    and this physical deformity / repulsiveness turned solomon into the hackturd that he is today and has been all along.
