Friday, November 13, 2009

Try And Try Again

Hizzoner the Mayor, NYC's Mike Bloomberg, has this obnoxious centrist streak that means he's rational about 50% of the time.  Luckily, when it comes to trying 9/11 terrorists in the Big Apple just blocks from Ground Zero, he's all for it as Greg Sargent points out.
New York’s City Hall sends over Bloomberg’s statement, which puts him at odds with multiple Republican critics of the Obama administration’s decision:
“I support the Obama Administration’s decision to prosecute 9/11 terrorists here in New York. It is fitting that 9/11 suspects face justice near the World Trade Center site where so many New Yorkers were murdered. We have hosted terrorism trials before, including the trial of Omar Abdel-Rahman, the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
“When I spoke to Attorney General Holder earlier today, I told him New York City stands ready to assist the federal court in the administration of justice in any way necessary. I have great confidence that the NYPD, with federal authorities, will handle security expertly. The NYPD is the best police department in the world and it has experience dealing with high-profile terrorism suspects and any logistical issues that may come up during the trials.”
Bloomberg, obviously, has to support the decision since it has already been made and he would be expected to declare confidence in the cops’ ability to maintain security. But it’s interesting that Bloomberg seems determined to give Obama cover on the substance and symbolism of the decision, going out of his way to declare it “fitting” as an act of justice on behalf of the murdered.
Not odd at all if you know anything about NYC politics and Mike Bloomberg.  The more chances he can get on TV and say "We're bringing the guys responsible for 9/11 to justice right here!" the better he looks to the folks who almost threw his ass out of City Hall earlier this month.  NYC is a blue town, and Mikey here came razor close to losing his job to a guy who shoudn't have had a chance.  He needs to convince the people he's on their side, and in NYC, that means backing Obama and Eric Holder on this decision 100%.

No surprise to me at all.

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