Monday, November 16, 2009

What Atrios Said

For it's one of those microcosm things I keep talking about, complete with swirly microcosm bits (all microcosms have swirly microcosm bits.  Ask Dr. Steven Hawking.)
Chris Cillizza really wrote this:
Among women, who, theoretically, should form the base of Palin's support, nearly four in ten (39 percent) have a strongly unfavorable impression of her while just 20 percent were strongly favorable. Overall 39 percent of women had a favorable impression of Palin while 57 percent had an unfavorable one.
Yes, women dream of being represented by someone as incompetent as Palin.
See, it has Sarah Palin in it.  I told you it had swirly microcosm bits.

[UPDATE 11:45 AM] And speaking of Sarah Palin, at least one advance review of her book is already being leaked...
“For many reasons, this is by far the best book and greatest literary achievement by a political figure in my lifetime.”
Is it really "lowering the bar" when the bar is buried 3 miles underground in concrete and people above can walk over it without even knowing the bar is there, blissfully unaware in fact that the bar ever existed?

[UPDATE 2 11:56 AM]  It gets even better:
Elsewhere in this volume, she talks about creationism, saying she “didn’t believe in the theory that human beings — thinking, loving beings — originated from fish that sprouted legs and crawled out of the sea” or from “monkeys who eventually swung down from the trees.”
Yeah.  A President that doesn't believe in evolution.  That's just what we need!

(More update after the jump...)

[UPDATE 3 12:25 PM]  And Rick Moran weighs in on Sarah with these two 'graphs:
Let’s get the facts out of the way first; there has never been a vice presidential candidate that was treated so unfairly by the media in the modern age. The number of rumors, falsehoods, and lies that were published as fact about her is truly astonishing and has no parallel in modern politics. (Such blackening the name of candidates with prevarications was routine in the 19th century but died out when newspapers became more independent of parties.)
And then he goes on to say:
They may fear her influence with the 20% or so of the party who would support her aspirations in 2012, but beyond that, they and most of the rest of us find it difficult to take one so shallow and uninformed seriously. As far as I can tell, she has done little in the intervening year since the election to rectify her appalling ignorance of the world, and even domestic issues like health care. The author of the “death panels” remark may have succeeded in scaring old people to death but if I were her, I would hardly stand on that as an accomplishment.
And for the record Rick, it's when folks like me pointed out that Sarah Palin wasn't qualified for the office of President for many of the reasons you point out and continues to be not qualified, that the cries of being unfair and misogynist arose.
Any criticism of Sarah Palin was treated as unfair and misogynist, and it still is.

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