Friday, November 20, 2009

Your ODI Update

Rasmussen's Made Up Presidential Number is -14, and's reality-based average is 55.7%, meaning we've got a new record ODI low: -19.7%.

Suddenly that poll yesterday showing 52% of Republicans thinking ACORN stole nearly 10 million votes across America to give Obama the win and another 21% going "Yeah, ACORN's probably that powerful!" makes a lot more sense now, doesn't it?

(9% of Democrats thought Obama stole the election too, according to that poll. Hi PUMAs! How are you?)

1 comment:

  1. Apparently PUMAs are still claiming to be Democrats even though they are not, never were and never will be.

    P.S. The verification word is "guquahol." Is that some kind of mooslin terist booze? If so, do you have some and will you share it?
