Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

While I can certainly understand Sens. Jeff Sessions, Kent Conrad, and Mark Warner (and especially understand Joe F'ckin Lieberman and Evan F'ckin Bayh) all basically holding the debt ceiling hostage unless they get major Medicare and Social Security cuts, my question is what the hell DiFi is doing hitching her wagon to these idiots.
Cuts in Social Security and Medicare will not only ripple through the economy in the form of reduced spending, they'll also ripple through younger generations, who will fill the gap lost by the cutting of government benefits with money out of their own pockets to help their elderly relatives make ends meet and get the treatment they need.

Feinstein is embracing Hooverism, putting Democratic gains at risk, and threatening to make our economic crisis permanent. Of course, in doing so she's merely going with the flow in both DC and Sacramento, so it's not like she's some kind of outlier.

Still, this kind of insane policymaking has to be stopped. Pelosi should call Feinstein's bluff. Anyone here who thinks Feinstein would actually enable a debt default, please raise your hands. Didn't think so. Pelosi already got rolled once this month by a block of regressive Democrats willing to risk future elections in order to roll back rights and screw the poor and the middle class. She shouldn't let it happen again.

I don't get it. Handing over Social Security and Medicare funding over to an independent council who will make massive cuts will only have every Republican in America falling in love with Socialist health care all over again, and they'll ride that right back to the top. It's not only stupid from a political perspective, it's stupid from an economic one as well.

What the hell is she thinking?

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