Thursday, December 10, 2009

Another Milepost On The Road To Oblivion

House Republicans held a presser today to attack the Obama administration on trying terror suspects in the US. The all-time most stupid argument I have ever heard for just about anything belonged to Iowa GOP Rep. Steve King.
Gitmo is "the best place to have [trials], it's the best place to house them. It's the safest place," Rep. Steve King (R-IA) told reporters. "More importantly, it's the place that keeps activist federal judges from making activist decisions that could end up turning [terror suspects] loose on the streets of America."
After the press conference, King elaborated on his worries about U.S. judges. "We wouldn't even be thinking about trying these detainees on U.S. soil if it hadn't been for activist judges who decided they were going to confer constitutional rights on people that have never seen the United States of America," he said, referring to the 2006 Hamdan v. Rumsfeld Supreme Court decision that said military commissions as set up by the Bush administration violated the Geneva conventions.

King suggested that "activist" judges could be inclined to release terror suspects over some liberal legal principle or another. "A judge can rationalize most anything," he said. "If you're a living, breathing -- how should I say it? -- 'evolving' constitutionalist than you can write anything you want to justify your own rationale."
To review, we can't try terror suspects because they might not be guilty.  Please allow this to sink in for a moment.

Then weep for our country like I am right now.

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