Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Definition Of Petulance

The GOP, having learned nothing from their defeat on healthcare, now vows to kill climate change legislation.
Senate Republicans warned Monday that the bruising fight over health care reform could deliver a knockout blow to another Democratic priority: passage of a climate change bill in 2010.

With a united Democratic Caucus, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was able to get to cloture on health care without a single GOP vote. But Democrats aren’t united on climate change, and the bitter battle over health care has left even sympathetic Republicans with little desire to help — a dynamic that would likely doom the bill to legislative failure.

“It makes it hard to do anything because of the way this was handled,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

Graham didn’t elaborate, but he didn’t have to — the fierce partisan fights during the past few weeks have torn away at the Senate’s clubby decorum, raising temperatures, fraying nerves and creating what one Democratic senator has called a “very high” level of distrust among members.

Graham’s words carry serious weight with supporters of climate change legislation because the South Carolina Republican has emerged as a leader on the issue in the Senate, working with Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) on a bipartisan bill.

Other potentially “gettable” Republican senators also sounded discouraging notes Monday.

“Right now, I would say that cap and trade is stalled,” said Maine Sen. Susan Collins.

“Cap and trade has been delayed by the health care debate almost indefinitely,” said Indiana Sen. Dick Lugar.

“The question will be how many more battles members of Congress want to take on in an election year.”

“I give it a very low chance,” said Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a potential GOP target for bill supporters.

“What it comes down to is our ability to work together as a body. And right now, the indicators are not very positive for climate change.”
Republicans aren't interested in debating anything on Obama's agenda.  They don't think it should even be brought up for a vote.  Doing work is pointless to the GOP as long as Obama's President.  They'd rather just stall out the clock until 2012.  They have no ideas of their own...not a single one...and even if they did, they will withhold those ideas out of spite just to prevent a Democratic Congress and President from claiming any credit for them.

See GOP Plan, The.

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