Thursday, December 10, 2009

Epic Alan Grayson Wins The Internets Win

Did I mention Alan Grayson is just damn awesome?

Grayson also addressed Republican complaints about President Obama bowing when he greeted the Emperor of Japan. Grayson said how he remembered when George Bush Senior "did something really awful" to the Prime Minister of Japan at a state dinner -- to which Matthews objected that vomiting on someone is an accident, not an action done on command.

"Well what about Bush Junior?" said Grayson. "I remember Bush Junior kissing Prince Abdullah on the cheek, and then holding his hand for an extended period of time. Maybe if he'd let him get to second base, then gasoline would be a dollar a gallon."

Matthews also asked Grayson about Cheney's statement that Obama's bow to the Emperor of Japan was a display of weakness that would lead to more terrorist attacks. "It's just too bad that it's too late to impeach him," Grayson answered. "That's all I can say."
And the Republican response? We wish you weren't born!
NRCC spokesman Andy Seré released this comment: "The foul mouthed man-child from Orlando is at it again, taking to the airwaves to bring shame to struggling Central Florida families who want jobs, not nut-jobs. But speaking of bases, Alan Grayson's constituents surely find themselves wishing his parents had never gotten past first."
Yeah, that's classy. We're sure the NRCC's going to apologize for implying that some of Grayson's constituents want to physically erase him from existence. There's no violence inherent in that statement or anything. Grayson would like to see Cheney face rule of law. The Republicans in turn want Grayson not to be alive at all. I'm sure they'll apologize for that any minute now...

Grayson meanwhile earns an EPIC WIN.

1 comment:

  1. I am LOVING Rep. Grayson. And Mr. Seré and the RNCC can take 100 mg of Gofuckyourselves.
