Thursday, December 3, 2009

In Which Zandar Answers Your Burning Questions

Bob Cesca wonders:
I wonder if the conservadems realize that by forcing Reid and the healthcare leadership to entertain and perhaps accept such an awful compromise that they're risking failure for the entire reform effort and consequently endangering the congressional majorities. I simply don't see the House progressives supporting triggered whatevers. Just a bad, bad idea.
Oh that's been the entire plan all along, Bob.  You think Evan F'ckin Bayh gives a purple reflective damn if the Dems are in charge or not?  He's a Bayh.  Same goes for Joe F'ckin Lieberman.  You think these guys are going to do anything to jeopardize their fat lobbying contracts, board appointments for their spouses, think tank grants and lucrative private sector jobs once they get off The Hill?  Not me.

You honestly think these guys are going to put the unwashed, non-Beltway masses in their states in front of Wellpoint or BCBS or Roche or AstraZeneca?  Not me.  Will it effect them if they are minority party Senators?  Not in the least.


  1. Here is a Burning Queston for you zandar !!!

    Which of Tiger Woods' alleged mistresses would you choose?

    btw i hadn't even heard of Kalika Moquin !!!!!!!!!!!!

    the womens are coming out of the woodwork !!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL

    how many more are there ?!?!?!?

  2. I've got a burning question for you: Who gives a shit?

  3. You probably already know, offhand, but that wasn't directed toward you Zandar.

    I just can't be arsed to care about Tiger Wood's life, I'm sure he can deal with it just fine.

  4. Yeah I know Star. It's cool. And yeah, Tiger...well you know, it's 50% nunyabizness and 50% madeyaownbed.
