Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Last Call

Seems El Rushbo is in a hospital in Honolulu with chest pains.

The guy's a scumbag, but I don't wish ill health upon anyone. I do bet however the man has a pretty good health care plan, a lot better one than most of his listeners...and critics...ever will.

Maybe the guy will change for the better as a result.


  1. You're a far better person than I, then, Zandar.

    Limbaugh, Kitty thinks, has done so much to fuck up the discourse in this nation--as well as fucking up the nation himself with his "I am the Republican party" teabagger antics--that the kindest thing he could do is cack it.

    Really, the man is a cruel, stupid, lying, self-serving sack of shit and the only sad part about him dying from this is that it didn't happen earlier.

  2. Naah. It's far better that Limbaugh lives and learns not to be an asshole so much.

    Besides, should he not make it, the teabaggers will just blame Obama.

  3. The idea that this worthless piece of shit will change as a result of a possibly critical medical emergency is slim to none. This guy didn't change after the drug rehab and he will not change now, partly because he is a nasty piece of work and partly because his 55 million dollar a year salary depends on him throwing rhetorical red meat to the dittoheads that follow him. After all there is no shortage of conservative gasbags that would love to take his job! That being said I do not wish death on him. That is a nasty business and I am superstitious and old fashioned enough to believe in the law of karma in that what goes around comes around. When we on the progressive side of the ledger start talking like these assholes it does not reflect well on us.

  4. Best comment I've seen today was "I hope his life is saved by a black Muslim lesbian doctor."
