Friday, December 18, 2009

Losing It

Stainless Steel Rat blows a gasket over Dem Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

Not excusing Ratigan's behavior, but hey, Democratic leadership, stop taking your base for granted so much.  Ratigan had a point before his rant obliterated it.  For the first minute here, Ratigan points out that the mandates are going to get the insurance companies millions of new customers at taxpayer expense without reforms to lower costs.  Health insurance stocks have shot up around 10% just in the last month.

Ratigan was way over the line, but Wasserman-Schultz's answers were nowhere near acceptable, either.

[UPDATE 3:28 PM] Stainless Steel Rat's going to apologize for his tone, but not his words.

1 comment:

  1. Debbie Wasserman Schultz knows nothing. Robert Lowry will be taking her place for Florida’s US Congressional District 20 in 2010.

    I am not crazy about the way Ratigan handled it, but DWZero continues to make facial contortions and sputter in betwixt his rantings and her own ramblings…Will be so glad to see Robert Lowry in her seat in the 112th Congress.

    Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is finished. Be gone, Debbie, be gone!
