Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Machiavellian Prince Holds Court

Erik Prince is back in the news. In this morning's must-read, Jeremy Scahill talks to Scott Horton and takes stock of Prince's revelation that the Blackwater founder was a paid CIA agent, and wonders what's not being said.

The in-depth Vanity Fair profile of the infamous owner of Blackwater, Erik Prince, is remarkable on many levels--not least among them that Prince appeared to give the story's author, former CIA lawyer Adam Ciralsky, unprecedented access to information about sensitive, classified and lethal operations not only of Prince's forces, but Prince himself. In the article, Prince is revealed not just as owner of a company that covertly provided contractors to the CIA for drone bombings and targeted assassinations, but as an actual CIA asset himself. While the story appears to be simply a profile of Prince, it might actually be the world's most famous mercenary's insurance policy against future criminal prosecution. The term of art for what Prince appears to be doing in the VF interview is graymail: a legal tactic that has been used for years by intelligence operatives or assets who are facing prosecution or fear they soon will be. In short, these operatives or assets threaten to reveal details of sensitive or classified operations in order to ward off indictments or criminal charges, based on the belief that the government would not want these details revealed. "The only reason Prince would do this [interview] is that he feels he is in very serious jeopardy of criminal charges," says Scott Horton, a prominent national security and military law expert. "He absolutely would not do these things otherwise."
(More after the jump...)
There is no doubt Prince is in the legal cross-hairs: There are reportedly two separate Grand Juries investigating Blackwater on a range of serious charges, ranging from gun smuggling to extralegal killings; multiple civil lawsuits alleging war crimes and extrajudicial killings; and Congress is investigating the assassination program in which Prince and his company were central players. "Obviously, Prince does know a lot and the government has to realize that once they start prosecuting him," says Melanie Sloan, a former federal prosecutor and the executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. "In some ways, graymail is what any good defense lawyer would do. This is something that's in your arsenal."
Perhaps the most prominent case of graymail was by Oliver North when he and his lawyers used it to force dismissal of the most serious charges against him stemming from his involvement in the Iran-Contra Affair. In another case, known as Khazak-gate, a US businessman, James Giffen, allegedly paid $78 million in bribes to former Khazakh Prime Minister Nurlan Balgimbayev in an attempt to win contracts for western oil companies to develop the Tengiz oil fields in the 1990s. In 1993, he was charged with violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in the largest overseas bribery case in history. After Giffen was indicted, he claimed that if he did what he was accused of, he did it in the service of US intelligence agencies. The case has been in limbo ever since.

"This is as old as the hills as a tactic and it has a long track record of being very effective against the government," says Horton. "It's basically a threat to the government that if you prosecute me, I'll disclose all sorts of national security-sensitive information. The bottom line here is it's like an act of extortion or a threat: you do X and this is what I'm going to do." Horton said that the Vanity Fair article was Prince "essentially putting out the warning to the Department of Justice: 'You prosecute me and all this stuff will be out on the record.'"

So given what Blackwater's done in the name of the Pentagon and the CIA, Prince's bombshell is a marker saying "You'll never touch me, if you do, I'll tell the world everything we did in Iraq."  Very Tom Clancy.  Very potentially explosive.

The question is, will Eric Holder and President Obama give in to Prince's threat?  Certainly Republicans and more than a few Democrats are already going to be lining up to defend Prince to the death, after all those revelations have to include what Senators and Representatives knew and when they knew it -- and when they approved Prince's methods.  A lot of Washington big shots stand to lose quite a bit with an election now 11 months away.

More than anything else, it's a warning to Eric Holder.  Prince is betting everything that he's now immune from prosecution.  The final judgment of the Obama DoJ may be how they handle Erik Prince more than it is how the trial of Khalid Sheikh Muhammed is conducted.  If Holder and Obama back down on Prince, then we know America will forever tolerate and condone military contractors being our hitmen of the 21st century.

Obama already has a serious rule of law problem.  If he folds on this, then there's no difference between Holder and the Ashcroft/Gonzales/Mukasey era.

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