Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mittster's Unwanted Advice

Mitt Romney takes to USA Today to give Obama his advice for fixing the economy.  Among the proposals in his ten-point plan are all the high points of the GOP Hooverville 2.0 special (Building A Better Depression For Millions Of Peons Like You And Me).  They include:
  1. Cancel the stimulus!
  2. Tax cuts for businesses!
  3. Cut social programs!
  4. Kill climate change legislation!
  5. Kill card check!
  6. Make the Bush tax cuts on the rich permanent!
  7. Freeze all non-military spending!
  8. Kill financial regulation!
  9. Expand free trade!
  10. and most importantly... Kill the public option!
So, we must show the world we're serious about fiscal cutting taxes.  We can pay for these tax cuts on the rich by cutting entitlements on the middle class to the point where we can pay for our vitally needed tax cuts on the rich.

Now, can you imagine where the unemployment in this country would be with a spending freeze, no stimulus, tax cuts, and massive spending cuts in social programs under a GOP president?

Yeah, thought so.

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