Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Rule For The Old School

The Wingers are in full WOLVEREEEEEEEENS! mode based on Jim DeMint's statement in the Senate health care bill's Reid Amendment that this little subsection is full-out fascism:
Section 3403 of Senator Harry Reid’s amendment requires that “it shall not be in order in the Senate or the House of Representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment, or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection.” The good news is that this only applies to one section of the Obamacare legislation. The bad news is that it applies to regulations imposed on doctors and patients by the Independent Medicare Advisory Boards a/k/a the Death Panels.
They're going completely nuts.  Me, I'd like the opinion of folks who aren't still buying the death panels lie.  Thanks.

And then again, these are the folks who believe an Obama-brewed race war is just around the corner...

[UPDATE 11:35 AM] BooMan puts this idiocy to bed:
They are invoking the Declaration of Independence and calling for an insurrection because the Senate parliamentarian ruled that the decisions of the Medicare Advisory Board (whose mission was expanded by the Senate health care bill) can be exempt from repeal or amendment. In other words, to protect the independence and integrity of the Medicare oversight board, the legislation requires a true supermajority of 67 senators to overrule their decisions. But Reid put this bill through at the 60-vote threshold. So, in effect, Red State is arguing that Reid has changed the rules of the Senate even though changing the rules of the Senate normally requires 67 votes, too. The parliamentarian disagrees with this logic, but that's really beside the point. Giving the Medicare Advisory Board (better known as 'Death Panels') some freedom from political influence is reason to "dissolve the political bands" to the federal government and start a guerrilla war? That's just funny.
Yep.  Wingers.  Still not smart enough to read.  Te recap, the 67 vote super-majority is for overruling the Medicare Advisory Board.  Reid is deferring to that with this bill instead of the 60 this bill would pass cloture with.

That's it.  That's supposed to be the end of modern American society.


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