Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Orly? Ya Rly! Part 5

With her love life in tatters, the Queen of Birthers makes the call we've all been waiting for:
What is the real intention of this Kenyan, Indonesian communist usurper? Is it to provide security for us or to destroy our security? Judge for yourself.

Seeing targeted destruction of our economy, our security, dissipation of American jobs, massive corruption in the Government, Congress Department of Justice and Judiciary, it might be time to start rallies and protests using our second amendment right to bare arms and organise in militias.
And there we are, citizen militias to rise up against Obama.  It all comes back to Tim McVeigh and Eric Robert Rudolph for these guys in the end.  Tim at Balloon Juice adds:
Orly needs to come up with something new and outrageouser just to keep up. Once your camp basically agrees that expanding health insurance coverage is literally worse than Hitler, where do you go? Even in America there are some things that you can’t quite say out loud. Did team teabag paint itself in a corner? Will a few overenthusiastic martyrs to the few speech laws we do have prove good for the cause? We should find out in a month or two.
It's going to be mighty ugly when it happens, too.  There are, quite frankly, people out there who are going to think that this is a great idea...hell there are already people out there in the militia movement today.  If the Teabaggers go down this road (and I always believed it would be inevitable that they would) then the reaction from the center of the political spectrum is key.  We know the Right will be lost to this, but the center still decides elections.  If they recoil in horror, the Teabaggers may have finally crossed the Rubicon here.

But man, it scares the crap out of me to think that the only thing keeping America together is counting on the people in the middle to think that the Birthers have gone too far down the Obama Derangement Syndrome path.  Ours is not a healthy country.

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