Monday, December 28, 2009

Profiles In Stupidity

This weekend's failed terror attack has the Wingers screaming that we need to be racially profiling Middle Eastern men.  We've been having this battle for years now.  It didn't work then, and it's not going to magically work now:
Broad-based ethnic profiling is counterproductive for a host of reasons. It creates a false sense of security and causes law enforcement resources to be wasted in chasing the wrong targets. Terrorists come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. John Walker Lindh was white, while Richard Reid was Jamaican and British. As the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights has reported:
Terrorism profiling is a crude substitute for behavior-based enforcement. It violates core American values, including the constitutional guarantee of equal protection. It also hinders anti-terrorism efforts because it alienates people and communities that are critical to the success of the anti-terrorism effort.
Non-specific profiling of certain religions or races amounts to a witch-hunt against a class of people, creating the perception among the larger society that those individuals containing certain suspect features (skin color, foreign-sounding names, foreign-language skills, etc) are to be feared.
Yesterday, two Middle Eastern men were pulled off a flight heading to Phoenix because passengers reported they were engaging in suspicious behavior. The men were speaking in a Middle Eastern language. And on a Detroit-bound flight yesterday, a Nigerian businessman was taken off an airplane because passengers became suspicious that he was lingering in the bathroom for too long. The FBI confirmed that the individual’s behavior was due to a legitimate illness.
Hasn't stopped the Wingers however.  All Muslims are the Enemy to them.

And they wonder why AQ can still recruit.


  1. Well, it seems I am being drug to your POV as far as the TSA and Napolitano go. Only after reading that the intelligence and warnings were out there in abundance, to the effect that Britain banned him from entering the country. Sigh, well a failed attempt is a good excuse to shake things up.

  2. Remember, the TSA apparatus was inherited from Bush. it was fundamentally broken from Obama's day one. It does need to be repaired.
