Monday, December 21, 2009

That Loveable Goat

CNN notes that President Obama's approval ratings have jumped six points since the first of the month.  Is health care finally winning over Dems?

Steve at NMMNB checks it out:
Now, when was this poll taken?

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted December 16-20....

Yup --questioning started two days after Joe Lieberman declared he'd block a bill with a public option, and ended just before the key cloture votes began to take place.

My theory: Democrats (especially young ones) despise Lieberman so much that his stab in the back made people rally to the bill (yes, even though he succeeded in weakening it).

Or maybe they rallied to it when they saw it slipping away (which is what some pollsters say happens whenever abortion rights actually seem threated), in which case I suppose both Joe and the DFH critics of the bill get the credit for the uptick.
Heh.  Democrats like the public option, but they hate Joe F'ckin Lieberman more.  He makes a convenient bad guy.

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