Thursday, December 3, 2009

You Can't Spell Village Without V-I-L-E

So, remember Sen. Al Franken's amendment to the military budget bill that would have allowed rape victims to actually take military contractors to court?  You know, the one that was voted against by 30 male Republicans?  Well, it turns out that the Republicans don't much appreciate being portrayed as the misogynist bastards that they are after a couple of months, and they've gotten Politico's Manu Raju to pen this little gem putting all the blame guessed it...that mean ol' Al Franken for making the GOP look bad: (emphasis mine)
Republican senators feel burned by Al Franken — and not by his old jokes.

The Republicans are steamed at Franken because partisans on the left are using a measure he sponsored to paint them as rapist sympathizers — and because Franken isn’t doing much to stop them.

“Trying to tap into the natural sympathy that we have for this victim of this rape —and use that as a justification to frankly misrepresent and embarrass his colleagues, I don’t think it’s a very constructive thing,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said in an interview.

“I think it’s going to make a lot of senators leery and start looking at things he’s doing earlier on, because I don’t think it got appropriate attention ahead of time.”

In a chamber where relationship-building is seen as critical, some GOP senators question whether Franken’s handling of the amendment could damage his ability to work across the aisle. Soon after Tennessee GOP Sens. Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander co-wrote an op-ed in a local newspaper defending their votes against the Franken measure, the Minnesota Democrat confronted each senator separately to dispute their column — and grew particularly angry in a tense exchange with Corker.

People familiar with the Corker exchange say it was heated and ended abruptly — a sharp departure from the norm on the usually clubby Senate floor.
You see, this is what we call a warning shot piece:  the Village is letting Al Franken know that he'd better shut the hell up, sit the hell down, and that he should never, ever embarrass his Senate colleagues again in that matter with an amendment like that, or else he's going to find his stay in the upper chamber very, very unpleasant.

Welcome to the NFL, rookie.  Know your role and shut your mouth.

For his part, I hope Al Franken can resist this obvious pressure and tells the august body to go expletive itself with a chainsaw, and that if a Senator cannot stand up for basic human decency, that Congress is a morally bankrupt pile of useless assholes.

I mean, Congress is a morally bankrupt pile of useless assholes, but it'll never change as long as stupidity like this Politico hatchet job goes on.  Not to mention Senators thinking protecting military contractor companies is more important that the rule of law.  It's not Al Franken making these jagoffs look bad, it's the fact that these guys are on record as being misogynist assholes.

[UPDATE 8:52 AM] Thers murders people over this, and deservedly so.
Because only wacky bloggers think rape victims deserve legal redress. And only sewer drains like the Politico think the only issue to report here is just who exactly is being properly bipartisany. Is this the time to debate 'oo raped 'oo, I ax ya!

1 comment:

  1. Who is this Manu Raju dumbfuck and why isn't he beaten yet?

    Seriously? Who gives a shit if they're butthurt over this? They're butthurt because they CAME OUT IN SUPPORT OF COMPANIES THAT GREENLIGHT FUCKING RAPE. It's not that fucking hard. And yet, they blame Franken?

    And this piece? Christ, where to begin? Actually, you know what, fuck it. This guys obviously been beaten about the head and neck until every last IQ point fell out of his skull, my only question is why didn't whoever beat him finish the fucking job?
