Thursday, December 31, 2009

Zandar Versus The Decade

Looking back on my predictions for this year, I went out on a limb and fell off the tree.  Two for care hasn't passed yet and the stimulus did.

So, here's my ten for '10:
  1. Democrats maintain control of the House and Senate.  The teabaggery is just too much for the middle to take and Republicans filibustering the jobs bill is just too much. Harry Reid and Chris Dodd lose however.
  2. Thompson Prison in Illinois gets some Gitmo inmates.  The plan to close Gitmo proceeds...slowly.
  3. Health care reform passes, but gets tied up in court immediately by Republicans and threatened by state efforts to nullify the law.
  4. Cap and Trade dies.  It will however be the major fight in 2011.
  5. Unemployment in 2010 will hit 11% at some point.  It won't be pretty.
  6. Apple releases the iTablet...and nobody cares.  Also, the iPhone will be released on other networks besides AT&T.
  7. Tim Geithner gets fired.  Yeah I know, I said this last year, but c'mon.
  8. The stock market will turn back down again and the Dow will close under 10k on Dec 31, 2011.
  9. Obama will sign another stimulus for states facing massive budget holes.
  10. This blog will roll on for another year.
We'll see how I do this year.

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