Monday, December 7, 2009

Zandar's Other Thought Of The Day

The Tea Party schism in the GOP is nothing compared to the billions of angry PUMAs the Village is eager to manufacture out of whole cloth saying  "We shoulda picked Hillary instead of the black guy."  Kos:
Politico reporter Daniel Libit sends me this query:
Working on a story with another reporter about the increasing similarity between Barack Obama’s policies and Hillary Clinton’s primary platform and whether Democrats might have viewed the primary differently if they knew then what they know now. Would love to get your thoughts on the state of buyer’s remorse. Might you be able to send me something before day’s out?
My response:
My god, what a stupid premise.
Of course Obama and Clinton had similar platforms. They're both mainstream Democrats! But for a publication addicted to Drudge headlines, what could be better than a screaming headline proclaiming that Democrats had "buyer's remorse", even if that sentiment was wholly manufactured by Politico reporters?
Mmm, tastes like Pulitzer there.

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