Monday, December 14, 2009

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

81% of Dems want to see Lieberman lose his chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security committee should Lieberman follow through on his threat.  Really.  That would seem bad for Joe on the surface.

Well, 86% of Dems want the public option, and we see what's happened there.

I wouldn't hold your breath for either happening.  As such, here's a third and final poll: 33% of Dems and 21% of independents are less likely to vote at all in 2010 if there's no public option.

I wasn't worried about 2010 before for the Dems.  I am now.

1 comment:

  1. I wasn't worried about 2010 before for the Dems. I am now.

    yepper you can see / feel the tide of momentum slowly ever so slowly roll back the other way.

    and you know, the dems cannot blame this on the reich wing media.

    they did it to their own selves.

    will be among the more epic fails of all time when it ( note i did not type if ) happens.
