Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

You have to ask yourself why our "liberal media" is running a story on a President with a 90% plus approval rating among African-Americans where the central tenet of the story is this:
But when asked how they personally feel about Obama's presidency, only 42 percent of black respondents say they're thrilled, with nearly half of those questioned saying they are happy but not thrilled.

The 42 percent who are thrilled is down from 61 percent in January, when Obama was inaugurated.

"African-Americans are still big fans of the first black president in U.S. history, but the thrill is gone," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.
Really.  The thrill is gone.  Not even 90% plus is good enough if you're Obama.  His approval ratings are slipping!  Even black people are starting to turn on him!

You realize what CNN's done here...substitute "thrilled" with "strongly approve" and you have a Rasmussen presidential daily tracking poll.  Obama's numbers among blacks down 19 points since January!

Honestly.  I weep for this country.

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