Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Already Failed Obama Presidency Rolls On

CNN lets us know that the Republican effort to brand Obama a failure has been a rousing success.
Americans are giving Barack Obama a split decision on his first year in office, according to a new national poll.

Forty-eight percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Tuesday say Obama's presidency has been a failure so far, with 47 percent saying Obama has been a success. The poll's January 12 release comes just 8 days before Obama marks one year in the White House.

The survey indicates that Obama's approval rating as president stands at 51 percent, down 3 points from last month, with 48 percent disapproving, up 4 points from December.

"On the plus side for Obama, he remains personally popular and he gets decent ratings on foreign policy and national security issues. That may explain why his overall approval rating is a little higher than the number who say Obama's first year has been a success," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "Unfortunately for Obama, domestic issues - led by the economy - are far more important to the public than foreign policy issues, and a majority disapprove of how he is handling every single economic and domestic issue tested."
The Magical Black Guy has yet to fix all of George W. Bush problems in one year.  This is enough for half of America to brand him a complete failure.

Clearly the solution is to give the country back to the Republicans, because the problem is the government is dooing too much and not doing enough at the same time, so we must stop government programs and cut spending to increase jobs, except where the spending is good like Iraq and tax breaks for the wealthy.

Frankly, I think we deserve what the Republicans will do to this country if we put them back in charge in 2010 and 2012.  When they get tossed out again at the end of the decade for nearly destroying the country again, it'll be so nice for whoever the Democrat is in 2022 to see the poll come out saying their failure to fix our 20% unemployment rate in the first year has half of America believing they are failures.

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