Saturday, January 9, 2010

And Speaking Of Harry Reid And Being In Trouble...

Summing up the entire wingnut reaction to Harry Reid's unfortunate statement recorded in Game Change is pretty easy:  "By Liberal logic, Harry Reid should resign as Senate Majority Leader."

You know what?  For once, they're right.  As a matter of fact like John Cole and TS over at Instaputz, I think Harry there should not only resign from the Dem leadership, he should also announce his retirement just as soon as the Nevada Democratic Party figures out who needs to run for his seat.

The fact is the Wingers would be doing the Dems a huge favor if they helped pressure him into going.  I've been saying the Dems need a new leader in the Senate for months now, and frankly, he's going to lose his re-election bid anyhow.

I remember that Zandardad thought very highly of Reid back in 2006, being a pro-life Democrat who had gravitas and respect on the Hill.  That was then.  Now?  Reid's gotta go.

Oh, and the fact that I've been basically described as "Light-skinned...with no Negro dialect" (in not those exact terms mind you, but pretty damn close) isn't raising the odds of me feeling any sympathy for the guy, either.

Sorry, Harry.  Do the party a favor and hang it up.

1 comment:

  1. Reid is a disaster wrapped in incompetence.
