Saturday, January 9, 2010

Assuming The Position

I understand that exploring the possibility of what happens if Scott Brown wins in Massachusetts is useful from a pragmatic standpoint of being prepared.  But it also completely buys into the meme that Brown can and will win just days before the election, and that he will be "The One Who Stops Obamacare" as a populist theme that the GOP wants to push is being pushed.

In other words, this is starting to look like an exercise in self-fulfilling stupidity.  The GOP absolutely wants to shape this so that if Brown wins, it's a massive victory because now they can stop the "massively unpopular health care reform effort".  If Brown loses, the GOP still wins, because they can take their pick from a number of lies:  that Dems and ACORN stole the election, that Coakley's election victory somehow represents the "will of the people" being denied ("people" in this case being Republicans), that Coakley is anti-feminist, that Coakley is a loser, etc...

All this kvetching on the Dem side is exactly what the GOP wants to see.  At least one famous Democrat in the Nutmeg State has their head on straight and is doing what needs to be done here.

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