Friday, January 1, 2010

Drowning In Hypocrisy

I'll be the first to tell you that Obama's economic and civil liberties policies are flawed and are hurting the country.  But the alternative...well, the alternative as Steven D reminds us, is the Republicans.
The American media are quick to condemn the brutality of the religious extremists who govern Iran. Yet these people differ from the religious extremists in our own country in only one essential regard: they have control over the government of their country. Imagine what would happen if the Christian extremists in our land ever acquired that same power. We already know that many of these power mad individuals who espouse the most virulent and hateful form of Christianity have assumed control of much of the current Republican Party infrastructure at both the local and national levels.

That should be all you need to do to realize that as bad as the Democrats have been (and you know I have been more than critical of their failures both before and after Obama became President), abandoning support for them in the upcoming election cycle in 2010 is not a viable option. Unless you want the Rick Warrens or Doug Coes (or their lackeys) of the Christian Right in control of this nation's fate. For that is what will happen if we stay away from the polls and let the pied pipers of Fox News and all the crazies in the GOP lead their deluded tea bagging followers to increase the representation of Republicans in the Senate and the House.
I honestly wish that the Republican party was a sane and viable alternative to the current Democrats.  But that just is not possible right now.  The last time Americans in the middle decided the Republicans were better, we ended up with 1994 through 2008.  There are those that want us to repeat the same mistake twice, hoping for a magically different outcome should the Republicans get back into power.

The concept of principles before party is meaningless if the people you hand over the country to have no principles at all.


  1. Seriously, I'm getting more than a little tired of this line of thought, basically, "Here, eat this shit, it doesn't taste as bad as this other shit" Well, the important question almost nobody is asking is "Why are we eating shit?" When both parties who supposedly "represent" us have failed miserably, why do we keep going back to the booth and electing them?

  2. You are correct. The Democrats are pretty terrible.

    The Republicans are terrible, stupid, and vindictive.

    Whatever the solution is, it's not one that puts more Republicans in power, but actual progressive Dems.
