Sunday, January 10, 2010

Geek Is Not Chic

The Obama as the Black Jimmy Carter/Black Al Gore meme is running rampant since the Crotch Bomber failed to actually hurt anything but his own wang, and it's the same old depressing thing where the "liberal" media is piling on Obama for being too smart and not passionate enough.

MoDo the Red goes bugnuts in her column this week:
Unlike the Republicans, who have yet to take responsibility for a single disastrous thing they did, President Obama said “ultimately the buck stops with me.”

But when he failed to immediately step up to the microphones in Hawaii after the Christmas terror and thank the passengers for bravely foiling the plot that his intelligence community had failed to see, President Cool reached the limits of cool.

No Drama Obama is reticent about displays of emotion. The Spock in him needs to exert mental and emotional control. That is why he stubbornly insists on staying aloof and setting his own deliberate pace for responding — whether it’s in a debate or after a debacle. But it’s not O.K. to be cool about national security when Americans are scared.

Our professorial president is no feckless W., biking through Katrina. He is no doubt on top of the crisis in terms of studying it top to bottom. But his inner certainty creates an outer disconnect.

He’s so sure of himself and his actions that he fails to see that he misses the moment to be president — to be the strong father who protects the home from invaders, who reassures and instructs the public at traumatic moments.

He’s more like the aloof father who’s turned the Situation Room into a Seminar Room.
I'm thinking somebody has Daddy issues.  And as Digby points out, eight years of Republicans acting like everything is a crisis now has the Village complaining that Obama isn't terrified of idiots like the Crotch Bomber.  He's not flogging the YOU MUST FEAR straw man enough.  In short, Obama is acting like a grown up, trying to avoid the trap Bush set by giving in to terror by playing up the very fears Al Qaeda is trying to create...and the Village wants its old climate of fear back where they of course get to tell you just how scared you should be.

They were relevant under Bush, you see. Can't spread hysterical fear without a media to do the spreading.  Obama is taking the Village out of the fearmonger equation (at least on the non-FOX News side, Roger Ailes' crew has all the boogeymen it can dream of right now) and they are now turning on him faster than lightning.

It's going to be an ugly road to November 2012.

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