Thursday, January 7, 2010

Intellectual Dishonesty 101

The lovely folks over at National Review Class A Minor League Affiliate: Internets Division American Thinker have put Laurie Regan up to bat to say Al Gore's intellectually dishonest (and by proxy, every single Democrat)  because one of Laurie's friends landed a global warming zinger at him at a restaurant.

No really, that's her entire argument.
As the Gore party started walking out of the room, my colleague called out, "Hey, Al, how's all that global warming working out for you?" Gore turned around and stared at us with a completely dumbfounded look on his face. He was speechless. With a smile, my colleague repeated the question, again to a hapless look of dismay.
Finally, Gore mumbled under his breath, "Wow, you sound awfully angry." I responded with a thank you, explaining to him that we were actually extremely amused. The encounter concluded with Gore's friend mouthing a very animated "f--- you" at us, and they skulked away. My only regret is that no one at the table asked Gore, "What's the matter? The polar bear's got your tongue?"

What struck me the most about this meeting was Gore's complete inability to utter a sentence addressing his life's work. The former Vice President, Nobel Prize laureate, and Academy Award-winning producer standing before us was a moron, unable to articulate a simple comeback to address all that he has stood for since leaving office. He could have simply ignored us and kept walking, as he does with reporters, but by stopping and standing there dumbstruck, he looked like a fool. 
To recap, ambushing a former vice-president at a restaurant  in a sophomoric and juvenile manner is proof Al Gore is stupid because he didn't say "Yeah, well I was globally warming your mom last night, asshole."

Such thinkers these Americans be.  But then Laurie quintuples down on the stupid:

(More after the jump...)

All we know about Obama is that he graduated from Columbia University, was an Alinskyite community organizer, went to Harvard Law School, and worked as a law school lecturer before running for public office. He has received the author's credit for two books, though it is an open question how much he relied on ghostwriters. We have not seen his school transcripts, and he wrote not one single signed article while acting as president of the Harvard Law Review or as a law school instructor. We have no idea what Obama's intellectual aptitude is, and to claim that he is a "certified intellectual" is absurd.

This is a man who certainly did not deserve to be elected president of the United States, having accomplished little in his first 46 years of life, other than creating a faux persona and developing strong oratory skills. He too is unable to think on his feet and without a teleprompter; he too sounds like a buffoon as he claims to have visited all 57 of the United States and that he understands the Austrian language.

When Sarah Palin was asked to be McCain's vice president, the left went berserk and attacked her on all fronts, including her lack of an "adequate" education. A close friend e-mailed me, specifically mentioning Palin's college as one reason why she was not qualified for the job. When I pointed out that Harry Truman did not even graduate from college, there was no response.

And we could not escape the left's attacks on every Bush gaffe, the whole of which became the subject of books, late-night television humor, and even decks of cards. To this day, the left is completely incapable of appreciating the acts of the Bush years, which will go down in history as based on intellectual honesty and moral character -- two characteristics wholly lacking in any agenda emanating from the Democrats controlling our government.

There is no better example of intellectual dishonesty than Climategate. After Al Gore left the restaurant, the waiter walked over to our table laughing. But when we raised the Climategate fiasco, the waiter had no idea what we were talking about. The fraud pervasive in the scientific community is just as rampant in the mainstream media that is failing to adequately investigate and report on this extremely important story.
Amazing.  Just incredible.  We get four, count 'em, four brainless, vapid, easily discounted Teabagger talking points in an article accusing the Democrats of being intellectually dishonest:
  1. Obama the empty suit, and by empty suit I mean "Our Affirmative Action President" winkwinknudgenudge!
  2. Bush was the smartest, most intellectually honest and bestest President ever, history will exonerate him.
  3. The Democrats own the liberal media and they are spiking stories that make Dems look bad!
  4. Global warming is the most evil hoax since last November!
Really?  And this is an article on intellectual honesty?  The soft bigotry of low expectations, blind faith in one of the most corrupt governments in world history, the liberal media trope, and ignoring reams of scientific evidence from multiple sources?  This represents your intellectual honesty?

That's actually the funniest thing I've read all week.  You cannot parody this any better than they do it to themselves.  It's not just self-parody, it's a hall of mirrors that creates an infinite tunnel of stupid.

American Thinker, my ass.


  1. "infinite tunnel of stupid."

    Brilliant. I am stealing this.

  2. And I will take "globally warming your mom" FWT.
