Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Joey Joey Panic

Nobody could have predicted Joe F'ckin Lieberman would bail on Obamacare again, etc.
A victory for Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown in Massachusetts would send a message that voters are "really skeptical about this healthcare bill," Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said Tuesday.

Lieberman ultimately voted for that legislation, after weeks of negotiations between his camp and the Democrats with whom he caucuses.

But the senator told Fox News' Neil Cavuto Tuesday afternoon that a defeat today of one of the bill's strong supporters -- Democratic candidate Martha Coakley -- would still "be a very loud message from Massachusetts.

"Well, it's pretty clear that, if Scott Brown doesn't win, it's certainly going to be close, and that in itself is newsworthy," Lieberman said. "And I think the message is -- from the voters of Massachusetts -- that people are anxious about the future and they're unhappy about what's happening in Washington."

"They're anxious about the economy, the continued high unemployment," he continued. "They don't like all the partisanship and deal-making here in Washington. And they're really skeptical about this health care bill."
Hey Democrats For Brown, keep telling yourselves the message Democrats like Lieberman will take away from a Brown win is "We need a more progressive health care bill."

[UPDATE 8:24 PM] Polls are closed in Mass, and hey look, Evan F'ckin Bayh is also making noises like he's out even before the race is called.
“ The only we are able to govern successfully in this country is by liberals and progressives making common cause with independents and moderates,” Bayh said. “Whenever you have just the furthest left elements of the Dem party attempting to impose their will on the rest of the country -- that’s not going to work too well.
You knucklehead firebaggers get it yet? You think we're going to get a more progressive bill, or Democratic Party, or country, if Brown wins?


  1. Well, the message I take away is that today's election doesn't doom the health care bill because it was already doomed -- Lieberman was going to find some excuse to vote it down no matter what.

  2. Well, if Lieberman wasn't going to back stab the party, Evan F'ckin Bayh certainly will.

  3. Ping pong this shit, then reconcile Medicare expansion just to piss off these fucks. Ugh, Americans are idiots.

  4. And that, as the say, is when Democrats pulled down their pants and took it up the ass.

    No wonder no one outside of devoted liberals likes the Democratic party, they just climb to the mountaintop in order to throw themselves off cliffs. If Obama isn't re-elected in 2012 then the US is over with.
