Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Morning After

Scott Brown's the winner, but the Democrats are bound and determined to be losers on this.  Both Senator Jim Webb of Virginia...
"In many ways the campaign in Massachusetts became a referendum not only on health care reform but also on the openness and integrity of our government process. It is vital that we restore the respect of the American people in our system of government and in our leaders. To that end, I believe it would only be fair and prudent that we suspend further votes on health care legislation until Senator-elect Brown is seated."
...and even Rep. Barney Frank of Mass. are both saying it's over for Obamacare.
I have two reactions to the election in Massachusetts. One, I am disappointed. Two, I feel strongly that the Democratic majority in congress must respect the process and make no effort to bypass the electoral results. If Martha Coakley had won, I believe we could have worked out a reasonable compromise between the House and Senate health care bills. But since Scott Brown has won and the Republicans now have 41 votes in the senate, that approach is no longer appropriate. I am hopeful that some Republican senators will be willing to discuss a revised version of health care reform.
Oh sure.  Why don't you ask Scott Brown?  If even Barney Frank is giving up on this bill, then it really is over...and so are the Dems.  If they fold here, the GOP really will take over the country by 2012.
The Stupid is overwhelming today.

Gut check time, people.

Best reaction is from a comment at FDL:
I cannot tell the difference any more. This goes for the media as well – Katrina Vanden Heuvel as a centrist? Only Olbermann really shines forth as a force for progressive principles.

Obama, indeed, has nine months. Nine months to get us out of Iraq AND Afghanistan, nine months to get real, progressive health care reform passed. Nine months to stand up to the centrists of both parties and shout with a voice like Moses himself, ENOUGH! Enough of the money changers, be they banks, insurance companies, oil companies, whatever.
And if he doesn't, no doubt the Republican president in 2012 will get right on that over the next decade or two.  To all the Massachusetts Dems who voted for Scott Brown specifically to kill Obamacare, good job.  You won!  Plus 2 points on sticking with your principles.

And minus several million points on common sense.  You know that more progressive bill you want?
Democrats now face decisions on whether to give up on the health care fight — an approach few lawmakers appear willing to entertain — or perhaps pull together a scaled-back measure and use special procedural rules that would eliminate the need for 60 votes in the Senate. But it is not clear how many of the key provisions of the legislation could be passed under such a procedure.
Your choices are now no bill or an even worse, scaled-back bill.  So keep throwing back that health care bill that you decry as not perfect.  The plan is working great to get that progressive legislation!

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