Monday, February 22, 2010

As If Millions Of Voices Cried Out And Were Suddenly Silenced By Huge Subwoofers

As Digby notes, Newsweek has to keep up that GOP Populist Outsider street cred.
Newsweek has published a fascinating article about how the world would look in an alternate universe:
How the GOP Sees It

What Republicans would do if given carte blanche to run the country.
You may be a bit confused by this, thinking that the period between 2000 and 2006 was a real life demonstration of just that. But that never happened. The world was born in November of 2008 and the Democrats have been in charge of everything for as long as anyone can remember and all the problems have today happened under their watch. Isn't it time to give the other guys a chance for once?
On the contrary, that strange feeling you have is that the natural order of the universe has been disturbed by President Hussein Shabazz True Dat Don Malcolm The Entertainer and his Nubian Stormtroopers.  If only America could go back to a simpler time before the Great Darkening...

Seriously, folks.  You want to know what'll happen if the GOP gets carte blanche to run the country again?  The same thing that happened the last time:  1% of us get shiny new chainsaws in gift-wrapped boxes, and the other 99% of us get shiny new chainsaw implanted in our assholes.

That Obama guy, he deprived millions of Americans of the right never to have a black President.

1 comment:

  1. "President Hussein Shabazz True Dat Don Malcolm The Entertainer and his Nubian Stormtroopers"

    LMAO! That is all.
