Friday, February 26, 2010

Bunning Blocks The Plate

The former baseball player is blocking the dinner plate of America's unemployed that is, as the retiring Republican Senator from Kentucky delivered a big "screw you" as he single-handedly blocked federal unemployment benefits from being extended to tens of thousands of Americans...over a college basketball game.
The Senate clash over the unemployment benefits ended just before midnight Thursday with Senator Jim Bunning, Republican of Kentucky, refusing to lift his objection, meaning the  jobless aid – for however short a time – will run out Sunday night unless a deal is reached Friday.

As the fight drew to a close, Mr. Bunning complained he had been ambushed by the Democrats and was forced to miss the Kentucky-South Carolina basketball game. He said Democrats caused their own problems by dropping the program extensions from an earlier bipartisan jobs measure.

And while he said the Senate spent almost three hours “telling everybody in American that Senator Bunning doesn’t give a damn about people who are on unemployment,” he assured those still watching that he was indeed interested in renewing the programs as long as it can be done to his satisfaction.

Senator Richard Jr. Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Democrat, said he intended to try to break the impasse again Friday morning but Mr. Bunning indicated he would again be on hand.

Senator Jim Bunning, the conservative Kentucky Republican, insisted that the jobless pay due to run out Sunday night should be paid for rather than added to the deficit as an emergency. During the debate, Mr. Bunning stood rigidly at his desk in the back row of the Senate and objected to repeated Democrat attempts for agreement to extend unemployment coverage through April 5.

“I believe we should pay for it,” declared Mr. Bunning, who said he was determined to remain to thwart the Democrats. “I’ll be here as long as you are here.”
So, unless Bunning relents tonight, tens of thousands of Americans and their families will get cut off on Sunday.  I love it.  We can spend billions on Iraq and Afghanistan and in fact during the Bush years we spent trillions.  Republicans didn't bat an eyelash.

Try to spend money on Americans who need it however, that's fiscally irresponsible socialism.  At one point he told Democrats on the Senate floor: "Tough shit."  What does he care?  He's an ex-baseball player.  He's got money.  The rest of you?  Tough shit!

Can't have that!  After all, all unemployed people must be Democrats.  Even in a red state like Bunning's Kentucky, right?  Don't like it?  Tough shit!

That's the GOP motto, America.  Tough shit.


  1. lawl you're going to compare a terrorist attack to people being unemployed? I agree we should focus more internally than externally. Stop sending so much money to any place with a problem (Haiti excluded, they needed aid). Obama said something yesterday that really irked me, "We are the wealthiest nation.." No, we aren't, we're fucking broke, stop spending money unless its necessary. Sorry I've got family who have been unemployed for more than a year but the fact is some people aren't getting jobs because it's easier to live off the Government. Some can't find jobs but ya know that's the economy we live in. The Dems didn't listen to recommendations that Fannie and Freddie could cripple the economy *cough* Barney Frank *cough* and we're here. Save your woe is me argument and omg Repubs hate puppies garbage. Sorry about their luck, life sucks, the economy is bad, no reason we should shoulder our children and grandchildren with more financial debt because of our mistakes. We need to stop spending more, sorry to those people who are unemployed and losing benefits. The world can be an ugly place and just because you're an American that doesn't mean things can't be ugly. If you think different then you're a moron and it again goes to show you that you should rely on yourself and not the Government. Reagan had it right, they may have been speeches but the words were right. Government is fail, they are here to protect the people, when they start protecting them from themselves they've gone too far. Pick yourself up and learn to take care of yourself and stop expecting someone to do it for you. If you fail then try again, or don't take risk for high reward, just play it safe. It's amazing how many Americans ARE WEATHING THE STORM, they were better prepared than those idiots who spent more than they had coming in.

    You're a totally brainwashed liberal moron. One person says tough shit and that means the whole party is that way. By that standard all Dems but hate retards because Obama and Rahm have made fun of them. I can't believe the whole democratic party hates disabled people, why? They didn't ask to be disabled, but democrats hate them. I don't get it, they can't even care for themselves but Dems hate them.

  2. Hey, it's insulting Anonytroll. How ya doing?

    And terrorist attack? Where the hell are you getting THAT from?

    My god you're a sad little twit.

  3. I realize its been almost 10 years but 9/11 did happen, that is why we went over to Afghanistan. You libs supported that remember?

    Memory of a goldfish and lack of judgment, you have a perfect little world, if you ever have to face reality it will be tough.

  4. Wow, you're nearly as hateful as Bunning here is.

    After all, it takes just one Senator to object to a unanimous consent voice vote. Bunning would rather grandstand and delay the Senate than extend benefits to unemployed Americans.

    Period. And you know what? the rest of his Republican buddies are threatening to filibuster the extension too.

    So yes, they are just as bad as Bunning is. They're just using them for cover because he's retiring. He's a coward.

    But you, Mr. Anonytroll, would know all about that, wouldn't you?

  5. Because they don't want to increase the defect which is what Americans are saying they are worried who cares what the American people think if your a Lib, you know whats best for them so they should sit down, shut up and take it. Or since we were about to spend 85 billion of the returned stimulus dollars to the jobs bill but only spent 15, we have a lil money laying around that could be used. Repubs are doing what Dems did when it came to funding the war. Run it up to the last minute playing games.

    Politics are politics, stop drinking the kool-aid and start thinking for yourself.

    Plus Dems hate retards so I mean, how can you trust a party like that?
