Thursday, February 25, 2010

Last Call Plus

Obama wants Republicans to do some soul-searching.

Joke's on you, Barry!  Republicans in Congress don't have souls.  They made this so easy for you it's hysterical.  There's no way any Republican will ever work with you on anything.  They reject any idea of theirs that you appropriate.  The GOP Plan:  Anything Obama does, say no to it, even when you supported the idea in the past.

The individual mandate. Chuck Grassley was for it before he was now against it.
Health insurance exchanges. Tom Coburn was for them, now he's against them.
Trimming Medicare fraud.  Paul Ryan in fact wants to do away with Medicare altogether and replace it with vouchers.  Against the HCR plan.

Reconcile it.  Pass it.  Move on.  The GOP will never agree to anything.

1 comment:

  1. eh in the end that's Politics, it's not like the Dems haven't done the exact same thing. Hypocrisy exists on both sides and includes the President. Lets face it he's another worthless Politician who put on a good show to get elected. If you think differently you're either supporting him because you're black or because you're a fucking idiot. Either was is fail. Campaign promise after campaigh promise has been broken, not like McCain wouldn't have done the same, just like Bush, Clinton, Carter, etc.

    Politicians a bunch of rednecks in a feud with another family...they will go out of their way to make the other look bad and will change their views if they appear to be in agreement with the other. Maybe they should try reverse psychology. Dems start saying "Public option bad" then repubs might want it....wait! Forget I said that, I may have screwed America if this leaks out and the Dems find out that secret!

    In all seriousness....I heard good ideas from both sides that I think if implemented would resolve the issue, the problem is, neither side will give on key issues. Dems won't stab the people funding their campaigns in the back, and neither will the repubs. Malpractice reform is necessary as well as changing regulations on the health insurance industry. I'm not sure who said it (I know it was a Dem) but make a regulation that a fixed % of income to health insurance companies must be spent on consumers medical costs. Anything over that should be given back to the consumers in the form of a rebate. Problem will then be making sure that doctors don't start inflating medical bills to keep health insurance companies profits up. That would be a win win for both of them and screw the system.

    Incremental steps would work, and you can talk about that "farmer in Iowa or Illinois" until you're blue in the face and it won't matter. If he's real then he's 57, he'll be in his early 60's by the time reform starts to take place anyway so he's unfortunately a lost cause of the old system.
