Monday, February 1, 2010

Moose Lady Is Feeling Randy

The big Kentucky politics news of the day:  Sarah Palin is endorsing Rand Paul for the US Senate.
"Governor Palin is providing tremendous leadership as the Tea Party movement and constitutional conservatives strive to take our country back," Rand Paul said in a statement. "Sarah Palin is a giant in American politics. I am proud to receive her support."

Paul also acknowledged that he "has received a generous donation from Governor Palin's PAC."

Palin joins a growing list of Rand Paul endorsers, which includes Concerned Women for America, Gun Owners of America, Steve Forbes and Paul has also established himself as a darling of the Tea Party Movement and conservative groups such as Dick Armey's Freedom Works.
This just got real interesting for Trey Grayson, Paul's opponent in the GOP primary, as well as the Dems running: Jack Conway and Dan Mongiardo.  Rasmussen's January poll naturally has Paul ahead in both the GOP primary and against either Dem, but there are a lot of undecideds out there.

Goven the fact that this state put Jim Bunning and Mitch McConnell in Washington, underestimating Rand Paul would be a pretty bad mistake for Bluegrass State Dems to make.

What's the plan for Paul, Mongiardo and Conway campaigns?  You know, besides pointing out the obvious racism and stupidity?  The Grayson camp has no problem playing the crazy card on Paul.

Might want to get busy.  It's not workin' real well for Grayson at this point.


  1. I really, really hope this is true, but apparently there is no actual word yet from Sarie herself.

  2. Yes, I find that to be pretty damn odd myself. Where's the presser?

  3. Ten bucks says she can't name Little Aynus' main repug opponent.

    As for the presser, that's probably because none of her "staff" can, either.
