Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sarah And Moose: Freelance Police

Back in July, Sarah Palin promised to be less politically correct now that she had quit her job as part-time governor of West Canada or whatever.

Fast forward to February, and less than 24 hours after demanding Rahmbo be fired for using the word "retarded", she's now going after a spokeman for Texas Gov. Rick Perry for the same accusation.
Sarah Palin is criticizing a Rick Perry campaign adviser accused of using the word "retarded" - but she isn't demanding that the aide be fired.

The accusation - made against top Perry consultant David Carney on Wednesday by Kay Bailey Hutchison's gubernatorial campaign - is of note because Palin is heading to Texas this weekend to campaign for Perry as he seeks a third term as Texas governor.

On Monday, Palin called on President Obama to fire his Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel for using the very same word in a closed door meeting about health care negotiations.

Hutchison's campaign manager Terry Sullivan told CNN Wednesday that Carney repeatedly said "retarded" during a recent conference call between the gubernatorial campaigns to plan logistics for their Jan. 14 debate in Denton.
Of course, Republicans don't get fired in Sarah's world, they just quit and claim victory because they're no longer political insiders.  It's that whole mavericky "I pretend to hate both parties but I only really hate Dems" Teabagger cred thing, I guess.

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