Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday Funnies: Dick, Joe, Rachel and Bobo

Dick Cheney went on ABC's This Week and basically said everybody but him is wrong:  Joe Biden is wrong on Iraq, Sarah Palin is wrong on Iran, the GOP 2012 pack is wrong on everything and everybody's wrong on DADT.
Cheney said he disagrees with Obama administration's decision not to use so-called enhanced interrogation techniques and said he argued for them within the administration during the Bush years.

"I was a big supporter of waterboarding," Cheney said. "I was a big supporter of the enhanced interrogation techniques.

"I think you ought to have all of those capabilities on the table," Cheney said.

Cheney, who said he has not seen former president George W. Bush since they left office over one year ago, may be the previous administration's most outspoken member.

Cheney said he was "deeply offended" by attempts to investigate and prosecute Bush administration and CIA officials who helped construct and justify their counterterrorism policy.

"I thought it was important for some senior person in the administration to stand up and defend those people who'd done what we asked them to do," he said.

When asked about former Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaksa's presidential qualifications, Cheney said, "I haven't made a decision yet on who I'm going to support."

"I think all of the prospective candidates out there have got a lot of work to do if in fact they are going to persuade a majority of Americans that they are ready to take on the world's toughest job," Cheney said. 
So in the end, only Dick Cheney is qualified to run the country.  The rest of you are pikers.
(More Sunday Funnies after the jump...)

He's just mad because Joe Biden ate Cheney's lunch on MTP earlier today.
In a much-anticipated Sunday showdown between Vice President Joe Biden and his predecessor Dick Cheney, Biden has drawn first blood.

Asked to respond to a range of harsh attacks on the Obama administration leveled by Cheney, Biden first gathered himself. "Let me choose my words carefully here," he told David Gregory in a pre-taped interview for Sunday's "Meet the Press."

Then Biden let loose with several minutes of his most pointed criticism of Cheney since the 2008 presidential campaign, when Biden claimed that Cheney had "done more harm than any other single elected official in memory in terms of shredding the Constitution."

Speaking to Gregory, Biden charged at least four times that Cheney was "rewrit[ing] history" with his recent attacks, and declared that President Obama has amassed a success rate in countering terrorism that "exceeds anything that occurred in the last Administration."
But the real asskicking was Rachel Maddow versus GOP Rep. Aaron Schock and Bobo.  Two on one (Harold Ford wisely backed Rachel with a Republican in the room), and it wasn't even fair odds for the men.  She smacks the piss out of Bobo and Kid GOP here on terror.

...and then she ends them on the filibuster and GOP hypocrisy.

No contest. Schock was about as condescending and rude as he could possibly be, because clearly he's not used to getting his ass handed to him on national television by a Rhodes Scholar.

Welcome to the big leagues, rookie. Rachel let ya finish, but you lost that argument in the first 30 seconds.

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