Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Turd In The CPAC Punchbowl

With the John Birch Society as a co-sponsor of the event (even Power Line's Scott Johnson is like WTF BIRCHERS) is anyone suprised that Ron Paul won the CPAC 2012 straw poll for President going away?  Chris Cilizza:
Paul, who ran for president in 2008, took 31 percent of the vote. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney had won the past three CPAC straw polls but placed second this time with 22 percent. Romney is considered the current frontrunner for the 2012 nod.

No other candidate scored in double digits. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who did not speak at CPAC, took third place with seven percent. (Full results are below.)

Be careful not to read too much -- or much at all -- into these results. Paul's supporters are loyal and loud but not, ultimately, that large a group as proven by the fact that he did not win a single primary or caucus in 2008.
Actually there Chris I think that Ron Paul won precisely because of that reason.  The GOP is betting on broke this time around.  The inmates are running this asylum. And judging from the boos from the crowd when the results were announced, I'm thinking the GOP civil war problem I've been talking about for the last year or so hasn't gone away.

It's now front and center.


  1. Nope. She skipped CPAC for the Nashville Teabaggerstock a couple weeks back.
