Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Tyranny Of The GOP Minority Continues

Via Digby, the Republican minority that Americans from Massachusetts to Massachusetts so clearly elected into power last month continues to make demands of former President Barack Obama as is their god-given Constitutional mandate to do so, and if you diusagree you're a socialist anyway so screw you.
A top House Republican has warned Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner that unless the administration consults with Republicans on the make-up and mandate of a fiscal commission, the party won't cooperate, an aide said Friday.

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R., Ohio) spoke to Geithner by telephone Friday about the commission, details of which are expected to be finalized next week, an aide to Boehner said.

According to the aide, Boehner told Geithner that President Barack Obama needs to consult Republicans on who will sit on the panel. He also said that everything needs to be up for discussion, including spending cuts, and that the panel should deliver its report to Congress before the November mid-term elections.

Despite attempts by Obama to restart relations with the Republican minority, it's looking increasingly unlikely that the party will cooperate.
Why should they cooperate?  They own all the power in Washington and none of the responsibility. Scott Brown counts as 20 Senators because he's a Republican from Massachusetts.

And the voters will continue to flock to the GOP because the Democrats in Washington are completely okay with this arrangement.

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