Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Your Senate Really Is This Stupid

We can't have climate change legislation because it snowed in D.C. this week.

No, really.  Steve Benen:
It seems mind-numbing, but Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) said snowfall in D.C. has had an effect on policymakers' attitudes. "It makes it more challenging for folks not taking time to review the scientific arguments," said Bingaman, chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

"People see the world around them and they extrapolate," he added. "I think that it's hard to see an economy-wide cap-and-trade [proposal] of the type that passed the House could prevail."
Bingaman is a Democrat, by the way.   It's gotten to the point where Senators would rather punt on climate change then even bother making a bill.  Republicans and Democrats.  It's bad enough the Republicans do it.  But the Democrats, wanting to just ignore the problem, are simply going "Yeah that's a good excuse, we'll run with that."

I know there's not a lot of snow in New Mexico and it's scary and cold.

The answer to better Democrats is not more Republicans.  But the lack of better Democrats continues to be a problem.

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