Friday, February 19, 2010

Your Taxonomy Is Broken

Daily Beast's Tunku Varadarajan names the Left's 25 top journos.  Everything wrong with the article can basically be summed up with Jon Stewart is #1, Fred Hiatt is #5, and the obvious omissions of Spencer Ackerman, David Weigel, Dave Neiwert and David Corn are glaring.

Oh well.  Josh Marshall and Yggy are there at least.  But really?  The Left's best journalist is Jon Stewart?

1 comment:

  1. Methinks Daily Beast's Tunku Varadarajan is in the top 25 of something, even if it's only the "top 25 people whose names are copied and pasted because they're too hard to spell and will never be famous enough for anyone to bother to learn."
