Sunday, February 21, 2010

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

I don't know why the Wingers are so upset with Ahnold.  Well, I do: he dared to bad mouth the Teabaggers on the Sunday shows.  That makes him a RINO, even worse than the liberals and progressives they wish to destroy.  It makes him a traitor to them, and he must now be fully annihilated.  No room in the big tent for the Republican governor of the largest blue state in the nation.

The larger point however is that I would imagine they would be absolutely thrilled with the guy in the endgame.  After all he's doing exactly what the Republicans want to do:  make massive spending cuts in programs at the expense of children, the poor, the ill, and the elderly in order to balance the budget.

This is exactly what Republicans want us to do on a national scale, is it not?


  1. Well, that's one thing, Zandar.

    You do forget that these are people who need to have their superiority acknowledged and bowed to, however.

    I mean, why bother with someone who will toe the party line if they won't suck them off on command? May as well get one who will.

    So yeah. He's not bowing down to the Teabaggers. This makes him The Enemy. Just like those filthy lieberal mooslimcraps that won't suck them off AND do what they want.

  2. I think the one thing I'm trying to get across is that the Teabagger movement is one of MASSIVE entitlement, wherein the Teabaggers think they deserve more than those filthy others because they're awesome and shit like that.

    They get REAL pissy when they're not treated like that.
