Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

The GOP reserves the right to complain about the lack of concessions given by Democrats on bills the GOP has zero intention of voting for.

This is called "bipartisanship."

1 comment:

  1. "The White House's 'plan' consists of an 11-page outline, which has not been scored by the Congressional Budget Office or posted online as legislative text. So they want to reorganize one-sixth of the United States' economy with a document shorter than a comic book, and they're complaining that they can't find our plan on their own website? C'mon," said the spokesman, Michael Steel, in an email to reporters.

    Well you do need things to be scored by the CBO first before ramming things through. Look how well ramming things through has turned out so far. Stimulus was a bang up job. Also the points of "too long" are because it contains far too many regulations and ignores people in the Democrats back pockets. Trial lawyers.
