Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Chris Hayes Show

The Nation's Washington editor, Chris Hayes, guest hosted Rachel Maddow last night, and the guy has skills.  Here he is using reality TV star Heidi Montag and consumer advocate Heather McGhee to help explain the financial reform bill still stuck in Chris Dodd's Senate Finance Committee:

Also, he had fun with Glenn Beck and Eric Massa last night too, and used the phrase "Dirty Hippie".

More Chris Hayes, please.  Thanks.


  1. Amen and double-ditto, but not instead of Rachel. Give him Tweety's spot.

    And it's Dirty Fucking Hippie, thank you very much.

  2. Like people have said, he'd be great at ten, or 7 before KO.

    Wasn't suggesting that he replace Rachel, but my god he's light years better than guest hosts Arianna Huffington or Lawrence O'Donnell, and David Schuster has the morning news gig these days.
