Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dealt Out Of The Game

Yesterday I noted Obama was folding on a civilian trial for KSM.  Ostensibly, it was to get Gitmo closed. That was the deal.  The problem is every time there's a deal, the Republicans turn around and stab Obama in the back.
If press reports are to be believed, the White House is hoping that if it decides to try the 9/11 plotters in a military tribunal, it will secure some GOP support for closing Guantanamo and bringing some terror suspects onto U.S. soil.

But leading Republicans have a two word answer: No deal.

Don Stewart, a spokesperson for Mitch McConnell, tells me the GOP leadership position will remain the same: Guantanamo, not a U.S.-based facility, is the right place to hold the detainees.

Michael Steel, a spokesperson for John Boehner, suggests the same: “Our focus is keeping dangerous terrorists from being brought to this country, where they will have the same rights as American citizens.”

And Liz Cheney’s group, Keep America Safe, says No Deal. “We are concerned by reports that this will be part of a deal to close Guantanamo Bay and bring terrorists onto US soil,” a statement sent over by the group says. “We continue to call on the President to reverse his decision to close the facility.”

The White House may be able to poach a few GOPers, perhaps. But the above suggests that if the White House agrees to try KSM in military tribunals, Obama’s national security critics on the right are more likely to be emboldened than placated.
Isn't that what happens every time Obama stupidly gives in to Republican demands?   Of course it is.  It happened on health care time and time again, it happened on the stimulus, it happened on Obama's nominees, it happens every time.

Obama still keeps caving.

Is our President capable of learning?  How many times will Lucy yank the football away?

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