Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Down The Memory Hole

Josh Marshall notes the GOP campaign strategy for November:  Jedi mind tricks.
The Dems have hit a bit of an ethics and scandal rough patch of late. But let's be honest. They've got quite a ways to go before they get into GOP 2002-08 territory. To put it mildly. Good of them for pointing that out.

How soon they forget.

Or rather, how soon some Republicans think people will forget all of what happened ... what, two years ago? 
Ahh, but it's not the people that have forgotten how corrupt the Republicans were (and still are) but the Village.  And there's the rub.  These are not the droids you are looking for.  After all, according to the Village, the Teabaggers represent the overwhelming majority of Americans.  And they are angry!  There's a story there!

1 comment:

  1. Hate = Ratings

    If people believe a lot of other people are completely disgusted with the Government then they will blindly follow because of the inner human emotion of "wanting to belong."

    The only people that have a real clue about things are the ones who go out and read about whats going on, and in my case I have to read it from both sides because neither side will ever give you the truth.
