Sunday, March 14, 2010

Last Call

Republicans are definitely scared that the Democrats are serious about passing health care reform in the week ahead, because Moose Lady is back with the death panel lie, imploring her legions to pressure the Blue Dogs to fold in order to save America from Sauron, or Hitler, or Lucifer, or whatever.  Tana Geneva:
In her latest Facebook contribution to the health care debate, Palin calls on Americans to “get stiff” against health reform and stand behind the hero Democrat so committed to denying women rights he’s willing to kill the bill. Said Palin:

Republicans in Congress are holding the line, and some Democrats are standing with them. Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) said he won’t vote for the Senate bill if federal funding of abortion is included.

There’s a great deal of pressure being put on Stupak’s pro-life Democrats. They’re already dwindling in number. Their party is threatening them, and so are powerful SEIU labor union bosses. The Democrats respecting the sanctity of life have every incentive to buckle under the pressure, so they need to know that we’ll support them if they do the right thing and vote no on Obamacare.
Oh yeah, and speaking of the sanctity of life …
As I wrote in my first post on this topic, human rights and human dignity must be at the center of any health care discussion. Government health care will not reduce the cost of medical care; it will simply refuse to pay it. And who will get left behind when they have to ration care to save money?
Please ask yourself: who will be left behind? And who will decide – what kind of panel will decide – who receives the health care that government will obviously have to ration?
The death kind?

As you no doubt remember, Palin helped kick off a summer of townhall hysterics by basically saying that Obama wants to kill her down syndrome baby; on a Facebook post she wailed that health reform would result in “death panels” with the power to decide if the disabled and old would live or die. She backpedaled a bit after a huge outcry by conservatives and liberals alike, who didn’t think she should be telling her unhinged supporters the government plans to euthanize them.

But with Dems increasingly confident about the passage of the Senate bill, I guess it’s time to pull out the big guns again — e.g. whip up the base with crazy ass lies.
It's the last gamble they have, Sister Sarah duct taping herself to the cross and using a big screen TV and one of those fake fireplace DVDs and begging the Teabaggers to smite down some Democrat evil before they harm St. Trig of Alaska.  Indeed, Tuesday is expected to have another 1.99 million invisible Teabaggers marching on Washington again in order to strike a final, decisive blow for rule by an angry minority who lost the elections.

Jefferson and Washington clearly wanted America run that way.  Hell, Virginia is already working on passing a law that will ban the state from participating in government health care.  I wonder how long that'll last.  I'd say it wouldn't survive a court challenge, but all they have to do is argue that it's free speech, and the Supremes may strike down the last 200 years of precedent on the interstate commerce clause.  Far more worried about that than I am Moose Lady.

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