Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Mendacity Of It All

Friday the Moonie Times printed an editorial calling for the impeachment of Obama if the "Slaughter Rule" was used.  It's not going to be.  Should health care pass today without it, do you think the Wingers will suddenly stop calling for Obama's impeachment?  Well, let's take a look at Jeff Kuhner's screed.
Mr. Obama is imposing a leftist revolution. Since coming to office, he has behaved without any constitutional restraints. The power of the federal government has exploded. He has de facto nationalized key sectors of American life - the big banks, financial institutions, the automakers, large tracts of energy-rich land from Montana to New Mexico. His cap-and-trade proposal, along with a newly empowered Environmental Protection Agency, seeks to impose massive new taxes and regulations upon industry. It is a form of green socialism: Much of the economy would fall under a command-and-control bureaucratic corporatist state. Mr. Obama even wants the government to take over student loans.

Yet his primary goal has always been to gobble up the health care system. The most troubling aspect of the Obamacare debate, however, is not the measure's sweeping and radical aims - the transformation of one-sixth of the U.S. economy, crippling tax increases, higher premiums, state-sanctioned rationing, longer waiting lines, the erosion of the quality of medical care and the creation of a huge, permanent administrative bureaucracy. Rather, the most alarming aspect is the lengths to which the Democrats are willing to go to achieve their progressive, anti-capitalist agenda.

Obamacare is opposed by nearly two-thirds of the public, more than 60 percent of independents and almost all Republicans and conservatives. It has badly fractured the country, dangerously polarizing it along ideological and racial lines. Even a majority of Democrats in the House are deeply reluctant to support it.
Numerous states - from Idaho to Virginia to Texas - have said they will sue the federal government should Obamacare become law. They will declare themselves exempt from its provisions, tying up the legislation in the courts for years to come.

Mr. Obama is willing to devour his presidency, his party's congressional majority and - most disturbing - our democratic institutional safeguards to enact it. He is a reckless ideologue who is willing to sacrifice the country's stability in pursuit of a socialist utopia. 
No mention of the Slaughter Rule there in the heart of his tirade.  Gee, I'm going to take this as a "No, we're going to try to impeach him anyway as soon as we can" kind of thing.

The Slaughter Rule was a flimsy excuse anyway.  The Republicans used deem-and-pass dozens of times the last time they controlled the House in 2006-2007.  No, the real problem here is Obama Derangement Syndrome as it always has been.

These self-same crusaders of liberty and freedom cared not when Bush and Cheney shredded the Constitution. spied on US citizens, took us to war under false pretenses and cost us thousands of brave soldiers and trillions of dollars.  All this was normal, everyday occurrence in the world of the Winger.  Attempt to regulate health insurance in order to expand coverage to millions of people that don't have it, and suddenly it's tyranny, socialism and time for armed revolt in the streets.

Republicans were perfectly fine with a ginned up war and wiretapping, torturing, and incarcerating Americans without their consent, without trial, and without recourse just because the President said so.  But use the Republican idea of an insurance mandate, and it's The End Of America.

The logic begs the real question as to why these idiots are threatening violence and armed revolt against a government that's the first to be led by an African-American Democrat.

Then again, I believe I've answered my own question.

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