Monday, March 22, 2010

The Party Of No Triples Down

The NY Times lays out exactly what's in the HCR bill.  President Obama plans to sign the bill into law tomorrow.  A number of benefits kick in immediately, like an end to lifetime health care limits and banning recission. 

The GOP Response:  No Obamacare for you!
Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minnesota, has introduced a bill to repeal Democrats' health care reform legislation, her office announced Monday.

President Obama and Democrats in Congress "have ignored the will of the people and have chosen to ram through their trillion-dollar health care bill despite the American people's overwhelming objection to it," Bachmann said in a written statement.

Despite the long odds of repeal, several prominent Republicans - including former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and House Minority Whip Eric Cantor - have joined the chorus of those calling for the bill to be overturned.
Of course they do.  That's what Bill Kristol commands.
Of course that can’t be the whole message in 2010 and 2012. Of course there will be other important issues. And even on this issue, the message will have to be not just repeal but also replace--replace Obamacare with sensible reforms. What’s more, working out exactly how to repeal and replace the parts of the legislation that will already be in effect is an important task, one to which I know Paul Ryan has already given some thought.

But the details of the replacing and reforming are secondary. Repeal is the heart of the matter. It should be the heart of the message. Think of it this way: This year Obama has handed Republicans a one-item Contract with America, an item a majority of the public supports--opposition to, and therefore repeal of, Obamacare.
The Party of No, with no ideas for reform, no ideas other than the same ones that got us into this mess, want to run on no change, no hope, no reform, and for the insurance companies to have their status quo back.  Sure, you can trust the GOP to fix health care, just like they fixed our foreign policy and the economy!  NO NO NO NO NO NO NO is all they are capable of, like whining children who deserve to be spanked. 

Well, last night, they got swatted on the behind but good.

Good luck with that repeal thing, guys.  "Well, we don't actually have a plan yet, but...repeal Obamacare!"

That'll work for you.  Just like in 2006 and 2008, right?


  1. Yes the GOP, the party of No.

    They haven't offered any suggestions if you only read liberal blogs and sites.

    Except this liberal blog, it's now informed.

  2. Where's the legislation to replace or improve upon HCR? If it's so much better, why didn't Bush pass it? It would have overwhelming bipartisan support, yes? Isn't that what the GOP has been screaming about?

    Useless talking points are useless. You have legislation? Let's see it. Otherwise, the Dems have legislation. And the Republicans have nothing.

    You've got bupkus, waffles. Quit while you're behind.

  3. Again you rewind back to Bush, see a prior comment by me where I explain the liberal way of always blaming Bush. Cause health care was a real big hot button issue then wasn't it?

    Oh wait!

    And there was legislation introduced by the GOP, you said that there wasn't

    "The Party of No, with no ideas for reform..."

    I posted a link to their health care solutions. Plain and simple you spouted off a liberal line about "They haven't even offered anything" and I proved you wrong. They did.

    You think you would be more careful with generalized statements or might take a few minutes to fact check. I mean it took me a whole few minutes on Google to find that.

    Here let me help you
