Monday, March 1, 2010

That There Briar Patch

Republicans keep warning Dems not to pass the health care reform bill because it would give the GOP control of Congress or something.

Really?  Then why not let it pass, Republicans?
Look, everyone can read polls and see that the Democratic plan has struggled badly in the face of a massive misinformation campaign. That's not new and it's not a secret. Democratic leaders plan to proceed, hoping that getting this done will give the party a chance to sell their handiwork -- polls also show people like the proposal once they realize what's in it. The only way to turn the polls around is to succeed.

But this notion that Republicans want to give Democrats sincere advice about how to win elections is ridiculous. Since when does the GOP give honest assessment to Dems about how to win elections? Why on earth would Democrats listen to electoral suggestions from the party that wants to destroy them?

Dowd's confidence notwithstanding, Republicans almost certainly don't want to see Democrats succeed on a reform package that would help the insured, extend popular consumer protections to those with coverage, lower the deficit, and improve the economy. The GOP knows that a Democratic victory like this one would generate some excitement within the Dems' base, prove that Democrats can govern and tackle huge challenges, and deliver on an issue Americans have been waiting for progress on for nearly a century.

"Republicans would like this bill to pass"? I really doubt that.
Nope.  They will never let Obama claim victory on health care reform.  Ever.  They have to stop him here, or they lose the health care argument for good.  Republicans could have passed health care reform during Bush's term.  They didn't.  But they'd rather lose than see Obama get credit for it.

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