Saturday, March 13, 2010

Zandar's Thought Of The Day

With now two blonde-haired, blue-eyed Caucasian women being held in connection with a terror plot, at what point does this become standard practice to take aside people meeting this description for extra scrutiny for possible terror attacks?

After all, it was just one Nigerian man who generated calls for racial profiling of black men on international flights to the US.

By the stated logic of the Wingers, don't we have to do this before they kill us?

Sure it's racist and misogynist and generally disgusting.  But our safety is at stake, and that of course didn't matter when they were swarthy looking men, right?


  1. But you see, black people are always terrists. The definition of terrist, IS, after all, "hates whitey".

    So we have to profile them, just to make sure they're good black people that don't hate thier white overlords!

  2. Terrorism reeks of effort, you know. I don't feel compelled to go scare white people or anyone for that matter.

    I leave that to El Rushbo, Glennsanity, and the House GOP leadership.

  3. Oh Zandar, you scare people by not being white. You need to become white if you don't want to scare people.

    After all, there's still no such thing as a white terrist. Whites are Real Americans. And Real Americans are not terrists.

    ... christ I feel like a douchebag. More than I usually do, at any rate.

  4. Cavity searches for all white wimmin!
